
Sunday, April 25, 2010

Our Garden

Several months ago Jackson told us he wanted to be a farmer, so of course we told him when it is warm we will let you be a farmer. Now is it Spring, time to start planting. We decided to build a garden box in the backyard and plant a few vegetable plants. We started cutting the wood for the box and Jackson interested for exactly 5 minutes and he was off to play something else. So I thought, this part is that interesting, he will like it more when we plant the veggies. Jackson and I then head to Lowe's to purchase our soil and veggies, while we are there he is not concerned one bit with what plants we will buy to plant, but only wanted to get an outdoor water fountain. We get home and put the soil in the box and start to plant, finally the part I just know Jackson is going to love. We dig our first hole for our first tomato plant and fill it with water from the water hose and the put the plant in the hole and fill it with the remaining soil. One down and about 10 to go, so I start to dig the hole for the second plant and say "Jackson time to fill the hole with water." with no response I look over and see he is playing in the water from the hose, drinking it and soaking himself. Finally he comes over and fills the hole with water. This is what he decided he wanted to do instead of being a farmer. We eventually got all of our veggies planted: tomato's, cucumbers, yellow squash, jalapeno peppers, bell peppers, broccoli and collards. We will plant watermelon soon and pumpkins a little later on. This looks like it is no longer "Farmer Jackson's" garden but mom's garden. My hope now is that he will be come interested in this again once he sees the actually fruit from his (my) labor or just maybe he will EAT the veggies!

Let's Make Messes!!

So recently the boys have been playing a lot together. Collin absolutely loves getting to play with his big brother, Jackson loves playing with Collin as long as it was his idea. Collin is trying hard to do everything to keep up with Jackson, he is pulling up on everything, trying to walk on along side everything he pulls up on, if not then he is crawling as quickly as his chubby legs will allow. He has also cut his two bottom teeth. Collin is growing up so quickly, developmentally he is about 3-4 weeks ahead of where Jackson was, but growth wise Collin is smaller that Jackson. With Collin well on the move now the boys are enjoying their play time together in each others rooms. Jackson will say to me "can we go in our room now and make messes?" That is is exactly what they do...the pull out all their boxes and dump out all the toys and LOVE the mess they made.

The boys also shared their first bath together. Collin loves the water so much. We can't wait to get in the pool.

An afternoon at the park.

Playing in the water in the backyard.

Collin trying to get everywhere and into everything.

The boys and only a small part of their messes!

My Buzz Lightyear!! "To Infinity and Beyond!!"

P.S. Hallelujah!! Jackson if Potty Trained!!!!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

The Easter Egg Bunny

This Easter turned out to be such a beautiful one, no rain and no wind, made it a great day. Prior to this day we had been preparing Jackson that Easter was quickly approaching. We of course taught him that we celebrate this day because Jesus died and is now risen. While we teach him this he acts as though it goes in one ear and out the other, we know this isn't true, so we will keep teaching him as much as we can. Having told him stories of Jesus several times and having watched Jesus Your My Superhero video more times that I can count Jackson would tell you that "Jesus is his superhero, his star and his best friend." Words that are so sweet to our ears watching your son learn to love Jesus so much. While we are teaching him the true meaning of Easter we also let him know that the Easter Bunny is coming and will bring him some surprises. We taught him the song "Little Peter cotton-tail, hopping down the bunny trail, hippity hoppity Easter's on it's way" which we sang a minimum of 5 times a day. One morning Jackson was playing in his room and I was in the living room feeding Collin James and Jackson came running in there so excited he was stuttering as he was talking but finally got it out and this is what he said "Mommy, Mommy when I, when I, when I was a wittle bunny rabbit, I had a wittle fuzzy tail coming out my butt and ears on my head and I hopped around wike this" then he proceeded to hop around the living room. I was laughing so hard I could hardly contain myself and of course Collin James was excited and jumping around but he does this every time he sees Jackson. Jackson then had his first Easter egg hunt at our church outreach, the next day he had his second hunt at his school, this is when he realizes that the "Easter Egg Bunny" hides all these eggs and they are filled with candy. So on Saturday, prior to Easter Sunday, Jackson and I were riding in the car and we were talking about our plans for Easter Sunday, our plans for lunch and church, and I said to Jackson "Is Jesus your best friend?" expecting the answer I always hear, but much to my surprise he says "NO! The 'Easter Egg Bunny' is my best friend, he brings me candy!" That is when I should have put a halt on the whole Easter bunny idea, but that is where is just began. We show up at Mimi and G-daddy's that evening to find that the Easter bunny had brought the boys Easter baskets filled with candy and toys. We go home and go to bed and Jackson wakes up on Easter morning to find that the Easter bunny had put eggs all in the yard. So he goes outside and is putting eggs in his basket having only picked up about half the eggs he says to Brad and I "this is enough eggs, lets go inside now" I guess he was still tired not real sure, so we help him pick up the rest of the eggs and head inside where he finds his basket full of How to Train you Dragon candy and sorts (no he hasn't seen the movie only the commercials and is already obsessed with the movie). We then get ready and head to Aunt Jennifer's house where the Easter bunny has brought more eggs and another basket, by this point the Easter bunny has almost out done Santa Clause. All the while Jackson has a blast, with his week long Easter celebration, and Collin James enjoys watching Jackson have a blast. Next year Collin James will Jackson a run for his money while picking up the Easter Eggs.

This is his egg hunt at our house!

At Aunt Jennifer and Uncle Chad's house!

Collin with his new Easter toy and Grandmother!

Jackson, Collin, Cameron and Cooper!!

The boys in their Easter clothes before church!!